Friday, March 01, 2013

Regrets, I've had a few...

One thing my students ask me every now and then is, do you have any regrets about the things you did when you were young? They generally pipe up and say, "I don't...YOLO." To the uninformed, that means "you only live once." There aren't enough words to tell you how much I hate that acronym. But, I digress. There are things I did that I wish I had done differently and things I wish I hadn't done at all. But, regret? Yes. Most people say they don't regret their past, I'm not sure I believe them. Whether we want to think so or not, meh. I tell my students that there are consequences. There are consequences to good decisions and there are consequences to bad decisions. Things we do hurt or help. Sometimes, I wish I could go back. I've done things that were stupid. I've done things that hurt my husband and my kids. There's that pain that has to be dealt with. Here's the cool part though, WE CAN BE FORGIVEN! It's so much easier for me to forgive other people than to forgive myself. But, as I'm learning, to not forgive ourselves hurts God. As I grew up, there were lots and lots of rules. There was not a lot of mercy or grace. This is what my parents knew. It was how they were raised and how their parents were raised. There was a lot of iron fist and not much in the way of soft hands. My Mama was definitely the comforter, the encourager. Daddy was not comfortable with that. He wasn't raised in a "touchy feely" family. He believed in good old fashioned discipline and good old fashioned family. Mama stayed home and took care of us and the house, he worked. I have a purpose for this ramble, hang in there with me! Don't confuse what I'm telling you with a "bad" home life. Deep down, I knew Daddy loved me. He just didn't say it much...or ever, lol. Grace is unmerited favor. That means we get an "oops" for our stupidity even though we don't DESERVE it. Grace is the opposite of judgement. But, what is the first course most of us take? Judgement. To be continued!

 "For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace." Romans 6:14

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ding dong...

the FCAT's done, the wicked FCAT's done! Love my job, hate that test. Thankful it's done.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

What happens now?

I have a friend who wrote a blog titled, "What happens when they don't need you as much?" It struck a chord then and now. My "babies" are 20 and 17. And being their Mom is still my primary job. It is my reason for breathing. Another friend said, "my job from the moment you were born is to get you ready to leave me." That is also true. My head knows that but my heart is not listening.

I have not been a perfect parent. I have not been a perfect wife. I have not been a perfect daughter, sister, friend, human being. It has taken me, oh...40 years to realize that God didn't expect me to be, in fact, sent Jesus because He knew I wouldn't be. I have tried and that's what I hope my kids have seen. They don't know that they are the reason I went back to school. It had very little to do with me and a great deal to do with them. Yes, I've always wanted to teach. More importantly I wanted them to know that anything is possible. So, when it was time for me to face Algebra, I did it. It wasn't fun, but I did it. As I thought about what my password should be throughout school, I knew it had to be something to do with them. That way, each time I typed it I remembered why I was doing what I was doing.

My daughter's song at her dedication was "The Cradle Song" by Sandi (then) Patti. A verse in it says, "though we might fail you often the Lord will still be there." As I stood at that altar with my husband, I never imagined all the things life would bring. That beautiful, beautiful little baby has been everything we wanted and so much more than we deserve. She is an "A" student (at UF!), contributing reporter for The Alligator, wears a seat belt when she drives and loves GOD. She is so ready to be on her own. I am not.

For our son, his song was "Another Child to Hold." As I've written in other places in my blog, he is a child with a heart of gold. He loves deeply and cares passionately. He knows GOD will help with whatever. He is as intelligent and gifted as his sister but has a completely different approach to school. He is a dual enrollment student and does fine. I don't think I've ever seen the child study...ever. I could tell you each time that I've proofread a paper for him, um...never. And I'm an English teacher. I worry how he will do in college. He wants to be a teacher. Or an entrepreneur living on Daytona Beach. I'm trying to stay quiet.

When the kids were very small, my husband and I worked for my brother's ministry. He travelled a lot and I was home with the kids. My daughter was, and still is, a Daddy's girl. That has always been cool with me since I was that too. I know how much I loved my Daddy and how I enjoyed the times we shared. Prior to his working at the ministry, he was a McD's manager. He took her to manager's meetings with him. The first sentence I remember her saying was, "go Mc don don's, I want fre fries." My son, born on the fourth of July, was our firecracker baby. He cried from the moment he hit the air. His dad left for a crusade on the Saturday after he was born. So, my son and I have always been close. He is a lot like me. For better or worse. Anyway, we made it through those four years as a "single" mom with two kids.

All the life experiences we have make us the people we are. I've always said there were two things I wouldn't fight over while raising my kids, hair and clothes. When I tell people that they are usually shocked. I have to explain that I didn't mean I would let them out of the house in anything inappropriate. I just meant I didn't care if they wanted to wear the same dress every day or sweatpants with cowboy boots, I was cool with that. As for will grow back. I didn't let my daughter have long hair and she still holds that against me. In all honesty, her hair was (and is) so thick and beautiful that she could wear it in a Mohawk and I would still love it. I just wasn't a brushoutyourhairlistentoyoucryputitinaponytail kind of mom. As you see in pictures elsewhere in the blog, my son's hair was a mass of Puerto Rican poofiness. Clothes and hair were (and are) battles I chose not to fight. They seem to have made it out to the other side relatively unscathed and fairly well groomed.

The battles I have fought are the ones their Dad and I believe matter. We didn't let them celebrate Halloween. We didn't let them watch cartoons that we thought were ugly. Power Rangers...I will NEVER hear the end of that one. It was a struggle to let him have Pokemon; her an N*Sync CD. We didn't let them see movies that we would be ashamed to tell their grandparents about. They didn't date or drive until they were ready. They had/have curfews. They had bedtimes. They told people thank you for gifts whether they liked them or really IS the thought that counts. They were required to be kind and helpful to adults. They were not allowed to make fun of people who are disabled or different from them. They were ... spanked. They were raised to believe in GOD and that Jesus is his son and faith in him is the only way to the Father. They were always told as much as we love them, GOD loves them more.

The seeds we sowed are bearing fruit. They both know that GOD can answer any question, solve any problem, listens ALL the time and loves them. I know these things in my heart AND my head.

But, it doesn't make letting them go any easier. I am used to being the one they talk to about problems. That's changing. I am used to being the one who could kiss the boo-boos and make them go away. They're learning to find the Band aids on their own. I'm used to being the boss. That's changing too. Maybe that is the hardest part of all.

I cringe when they don't answer their phones right away. My heart races when I hear a siren and don't know if they're off the road yet. I would throw people off a cliff to protect them. I will lose every bit of sanity I have left if I believe someone has hurt them. I have caught vomit in my hands. I have held a congested baby in a steam filled bathroom. I have rocked and cried right along with them when they were teething and there was nothing I could do. I know I am not the only parent who has done those things. But I know that these things are what I should do...that's what being a parent means.

Having done those things is what makes letting them go harder. No one will ever love them like I do. No one will ever bear their imperfections and shortcomings as I will. No one will ever think they're perfect and amazing and astonishing human beings as I do. But that will change too...they will meet the person GOD has for them and they will tell me how wonderful, amazing, and spectacular they are. I hope I will smile. I hope I can accept not being needed quite so much. I hope I can remember that the reason they are ABLE to do that is because I've done my job. I hope I will be there to see it all. They will always be my reason for breathing. I hope I will be able to stop holding my breath.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Germ carrying little children

who shared their germs with me. Thanks. Thanks a lot. I feel like poo. I am going to go lie down. Oh, the perks of teaching! Take care of yourselves.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

You'll always be my baby...

We went to Gville this afternoon. I had to have my son do the driving. My mom had a doctor's appointment and I had a very upset tummy. He did a great job with a few exceptions.

This brings me to my point...well, sort of. It is one of the hardest things I have had to do as a parent. Let my babies fail. I can't stand it. I know it's a part of life, but that doesn't make it any easier. I want to fix it. I want it to be me and not them. He was trying to make his way around to the various places I needed to go. Gainesville. 5:00 traffic. Poor poor urban planning. You do the math. But, I sat there. I kept my mouth closed...for the most part. This is the whole reason why I wanted to ride in the back. That plus I really didn't feel well. He got to be his Grandma's chauffeur. She loved it.

She wanted HER baby to feel better. I guess it doesn't end. : )

And on another note, Happy FORTY SECOND BIRTHDAY to my best friend from when we were babies!! Now she's my age.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Teenage Weddings

I wonder why these kids are so demanding?? Oh, wait, could it be because they are given E V E R Y T H I N G they want?

There has to be some connection to teenage pregnancy and entitlement. There are "Super Sweet 16" parties. There are prom dates that are more expensive than my wedding. There are prom,pageant,flower girl, homecoming attendant dresses in closets that are going to hang there for the rest of their life. What's left for them to celebrate? To look forward to? How will they top what they've already been given?

There are cars and trucks driven by these kids that are nicer than the one I have now. There are clothes on their backs and shoes on their feet that cost more than the GNP of Ethiopia.

A teacher reprimanded my child? A teacher told my child they should consider finding a vocation rather than a four year degree? An administrator TOOK MY CHILD'S PHONE? AFTER IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII sent them a TEXT during SCHOOL? How dare they.

A parent wonders WHY the school ALLOWED their child to be the victim of a cruel text message. A parent complains that the child has too much homework...but wants us to get them into a tier one college.

Yes, I'm angry. Maybe I need someone to buy me a car. Mine has a scratch.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Alrighty then...

It's Sunday. I am remarkably relaxed. My son went grocery shopping. PRAISE GOD for driver's licenses. I'm getting ready to read and take a nap. I'm surrounded by cats...LOL...they had flea medicine and are not happy with the world. Happy week!