Here I sit. Sunday evening. I know this because 60 Minutes is on. I've cooked two meals---biscuits and gravy, chili---and done little else.
I went to bed last night with big plans for the day. Those would be the same plans I had Friday afternoon when I left school, I would set my room up for fall and my lesson plan book would be perfection for the balance of the year. Left school with a pile of ungraded tests and a headache to beat the band.
This past week has been extremely stressful. Too many IEPs and 504s and referrals and lesson plans turned in to be "graded" by the administration. I'm overwhelmed. This week holds a meeting for my own child...one I'm not looking forward to. He struggles with math just like me. I had a teacher in high school, the same school he attends but not the same teacher, who said in front of the class that I would "never cut the mustard in math." That quashed any math hopes for success I had. Well, my son has a teacher who was in the military. Belief in order and black and white. My son is a very liberal arts kind of kid and she is not. So there is the first conflict. Then there's his own stubbornness. He doesn't want to do the work. There are consequences: loss of guitar, drums, best bud...not to mention loss of GPA. My husband and I don't really see eye to eye on this one. He has a math-type personality and can't imagine why this is so hard. I know from personal experience why it's hard. I feel the fear my son feels---25 years later. So, it's off to the school to figure out how to help. Fingers crossed that I approach the meeting more as a teacher and not so much as a Mom!

On a happier note, hubby dragged the fall decor down from the attic. This makes me a very, very happy person! I love fall. I love football season. It is the only season I wish I lived somewhere other than Florida. So, I try to bring some of the glorious fall color into my home since I don't get to see it outside, well, except for about 15 minutes in November. Down goes the thermostat and out come the blankets...a girl can dream!
I have lesson plans to write. There are reading and writing skills to teach. There are kids who feel about English as I did about Math. Things happen for a reason, huh?
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