Tuesday, March 13, 2007

did I mention...

that I'm a past member of the NCTE (Nat'l Council of Teachers of English)? So, I get their newsletter. Lo and behold, checking my school email I see the new newsletter. Then, to my shock and further mortification, I see the Gville Sun article about me there. Linked to a blog. ALL of it in a very public arena. I know GOD has a purpose. I just wish I knew what it was. It just goes on and on...http://ncteinbox.blogspot.com/


Joyce said...

Hey there, I don't know that it's a bad thing that teachers are discussing what has happened to you, because we are on your side. This situation opens up all kinds of censorship, academic freedom, etc, issues, as I'm sure you must know. Though I wasn't in your classroom that day, I've read your blog and a couple of newspaper accounts, and it sounds to me that perhaps your lesson was simply misunderstood by that student, who then complained to his/her parent ... ? If so, heaven forbid we all start being put on leave whenever a student misrepresents something that has been said in the classroom. There will be no one left to teach! Hang in there.

abba T said...

You don't know me. I arrived here via the NCTE link you provided, and I'm so glad you did. As I read the NCTE article, I shivered. I'm so sorry for what you are going through. Thank you for being a teacher and teaching the hard lessons kids need. As a fellow English teacher, my thoughts are with you.

dea c-c said...

Seems as though you have been censored twice...what you said in class and what you cannot now say because of what you said then. Maybe that is on the advice of your attorney, so if you are quiet because you want to be...more power to you! However, if not, I question how far have we fallen as a society? What has happened to freedom of expression, to academic freedom, to tolerance itself? In public education, are these principles a one-way street with prohibited entry for teachers? What minds will narrow-mindedness produce--what thinking and creativity will be fostered?

From reading the newspaper article, I see you have student supporters and that means so much to a teacher! Keep your faith--having read through your previous blogs, I suggest Romans 5, if you haven't already gotten there. It has strengthened me more than once in the past.

Hambone said...

I'd agree with what Joyce has said...I wouldn't even know about this if it hadn't appeared in NCTE's newsletter, and I thought their blog posting was reasonable...there is so much that article left out...Anyway, that student response via the student's mother seemed really supportive. Good luck!

Traci Gardner said...
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Traci Gardner said...

Hi, Melody. Just wanted to say that NCTE often takes up censorship cases. Speaking for myself (and not NCTE), censorship outrages me. When people try to control the words and thoughts that we share, we lose our freedoms--all of them. If NCTE can do anything to help you, please contact us. There are lots of resources in the NCTE Anti-Censorship Center, and I know that we can write a letter of support on your behalf. Take care and good luck.

jones said...

You have more support out here than you can imagine; I hope you can feel it in some way. You're dealing with something that good teachers put themselves at risk of almost daily in the classroom-- because we don't let fear of censure prevent them from engaging kids in constructive thinking about difficult topics--in authentic, enduring learning. Good luck and please know that teachers (and parents and students) across the country are rooting for you. Wish we could do more...

jones said...

oops. I mean "we don't let fear of censure prevent US from engaging..." proofread, proofread, proofread.

ImagineMel said...

hi everyone! Good news, I'm back in my classroom Monday AM. I cannot WAIT to be back. I was given a written reprimand and am required to take a cultural sensitivity class. I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the positive comments and support. Thanks so much.