Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Teenage Weddings

I wonder why these kids are so demanding?? Oh, wait, could it be because they are given E V E R Y T H I N G they want?

There has to be some connection to teenage pregnancy and entitlement. There are "Super Sweet 16" parties. There are prom dates that are more expensive than my wedding. There are prom,pageant,flower girl, homecoming attendant dresses in closets that are going to hang there for the rest of their life. What's left for them to celebrate? To look forward to? How will they top what they've already been given?

There are cars and trucks driven by these kids that are nicer than the one I have now. There are clothes on their backs and shoes on their feet that cost more than the GNP of Ethiopia.

A teacher reprimanded my child? A teacher told my child they should consider finding a vocation rather than a four year degree? An administrator TOOK MY CHILD'S PHONE? AFTER IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII sent them a TEXT during SCHOOL? How dare they.

A parent wonders WHY the school ALLOWED their child to be the victim of a cruel text message. A parent complains that the child has too much homework...but wants us to get them into a tier one college.

Yes, I'm angry. Maybe I need someone to buy me a car. Mine has a scratch.

1 comment:

Karen L. said...

My 16 year old wanted me to rent the Tommy Usher center for her 17th birthday party. She also wanted to theme it formal so they could all dress up. That meant me shilling out for the center, the food, a new dress and countless other things. It took me two seconds to say no. She can have her party in the concrete floor shed out back if she needs all that room and wants to dance ( it's 1200 square feet and I had my baby shower there!). I'll cook chicken tenders in the oven along with other teenager food and get her a cake from Publix!